Ghandi once said, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
Loyno’s history department seeks to do just that. In the pursuit of justice, we guide our students through an exploration of the past and all of its intricacies and nuances. Those higher levels of historical thought can only come through a scholarly search for understanding.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Bachelor of Arts in History
Simply put, with a degree in finance, you’re investing in your career.
Finance is one of the most challenging yet rewarding areas of business. If you’re willing to work hard, are attracted to a challenge, and want a career that will put you in the center of business decision-making, finance is the major for you. Our grads are everywhere, working in investments, banking, and accounting throughout New Orleans, Wall Street, and the rest of the world.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
With its rich literary tradition, New Orleans is the perfect place to study the printed (and the digital) word.
The award-winning English department at Loyola University New Orleans offers a dynamic program with exceptionally accomplished faculty who work closely with students on independent studies, collaborative research, publishing, capstone experiences, and creative projects.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Bachelor of Arts in English
Business Analytics
Lots of factors go into making business decisions.
You’ll be the person who knows all of them. With business analytics as your area of expertise, you can work wherever there’s a need for data-driven business decisions -- and that’s practically anywhere.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analytics
It’s creative. It’s crazy. It’s passionate.
It’s knowing what’s next, who’s next, and how they’ll matter to your business. No, it’s not like what you see on TV (at least not all the time). When you go after your marketing degree, you’ll be opening up avenues to product design, development, market strategies, brand management, event planning, research, analysis, and making clients happy. How, you ask? By showing them your brilliant presentations of marketing concepts and related skills that you’ll learn right here.